Thursday 13 November 2008

Break up averted

But I don't think I can screw up ever again!

Monday 10 November 2008

She wants a break.

For one blatant lie.

She wants a break because I lied to her.

I don't have time for all this drama... I got to study for my exam!! argh!!!!

So, I'm just going to keep quiet, as long as possible.

I know that I still love her, but I hate this complicated relationship.

Sunday 9 November 2008

The perfect boyfriend.

When we got back together, I aimed to be the perfect boyfriend to her. To do that, I know I have to sacrifice a lot of things. I got to be the person that she wants me to be, rather that the person that I want to be.

So far, I am doing well. But sometimes, I feel that I am becoming someone else. That feeling never last, but I am still bothered by it.

It made me start to think, what if I am not the perfect boyfriend? Will I disappoint her?

Or should I just continue with the current arrangement of becoming someone who I don't want to be? Relationship needs a lot of sacrifices, maybe this is one of it.